Congratulations! You are steps away from being FREE of the nasty smoking habit.

Dr. Ryder offers several approaches to quitting.
Call the office to discuss which system fits your needs best. 212 – 779-4114

HYPNOSIS to Stop Smoking
Habit Control Counseling
Self-Hypnosis Program to Quit on your own.

Stop Smoking with Hypnosis

YES YOU CAN QUIT EASILY.  Any habit takes some effort to stop or escape. Hypnosis is a very powerful tool to help you escape the bad smoking habit naturally, easily, and permanently.  I have helped hundreds of smokers quit with the use of hypnosis.  If you have had enough and want to stop smoking then call and make an appointment – I offer several techniques to help you quit.

Call my office for a 3 minute evaluation that allows me to recommend the right program that will work best for you.  Step one is to know the decision is yours.  If you really want to stop a habit, then I can help you do it successfully.


By Dr. John Ryder

A master hypnotherapist with over 30 years of experience, a licensed psychologist, and certified by the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis. He is the author of numerous articles and his book Positive Directions.  He lectures internationally and trains other doctors how to utilize hypnosis.  Let his expertise help you.

Most hypnosis sessions are recorded for the added benefit of practicing in your own home.

Call Dr. Ryder now to set up an appointment soon.  212 – 779-4114 




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