Achievement Coaching
Is your AMBITION and MOTIVATION in synch?
These are two very important but separate factors that determine how fast and how far you can go with your goals.
What is more important than having all the energy, intelligence and good ideas?
Developing a Strategic Master Plan.
If you have seriously big goals for yourself and your future, you must approach them with the passion, determination, resources, an excellent plan and most of all an achievement coach.
Using a professional Achievement Coach will make the process much more effective and successful.
Coaching has proven to be the best way to increase performance, become more resourceful, achieve your goals, and enjoy life doing it. As your coach – I become your secret weapon to outperform your own expectations, and keep you focused on the long term goals that matter most. I have over 35 years of experience helping individuals develop ideas into actual success stories. I keep you accountable and make sure you stay on the best most direct path to achieving your goals.
Consider the following question: Relative to the other people you are competing with, what is your level of:
Superior performance depends on How High YOU set the BAR. If you are serious about success having a coach may be the most important ingredient. My expertise will help you harness all the resources you need to accelerate your progress.
IT IS NOT JUST SMARTS. Intelligence is important but, it is not the main key. There are many other factors that you must constantly sharpen. Achievement Coaching is a program to maximize your potential and performance. We discuss many aspects of your personality, goals, resources and develop a Strategic Master Plan.
You may need coaching for a small specific project or a lifetime dream. I work with people on all levels including Executives, Entrepreneurs, Professionals, Athletes, Artists, Writers, Musicians, Actors, Film makers and students as well.
My experience in problem solving and teaching others how to apply advanced critical thinking leads to a sharper more effective mind. Helping you dev2elop your intuition or internal radar will give you the edge you need to be more successful. The top 5% of people who achieve the most, rely on the combination of rational and intuitive analysis.
Refine your skills as a leader, decision maker, and a visionary. Your creativity depends on a well lubricated and fast mind. Since your development never ends, it is up to you, to search for the best methods to continue expanding your knowledge and accelerating your progress.
Consider that your investment in my professional help will be returned to you many fold. There is plenty of academic research to document that fact. Call my office and enjoy a FREE telephone consult to determine how we could work together.
The office: 212 – 779-4114
Achievement Coaching for your group.
I provide customized attention. If you wish to work privately one on one, or if you would like me to come to your group and create a program to increase performance and productivity, I will analyze your situation and dev2elop a special plan for you or your group.
For those who insist on going at it independently, read my book and visit my website where you will find a ton of useful information to help you keep improving and achieving your goals. This is my personal development book. If you use it effectively, it will help you succeed.